The Great Smoky Mountain Journal


Posted: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 06:44 PM

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OUR VIEW: From The Schumer Shutdown To the Schumer Surrender; That's What You Get When To Cater To Lawbreakers Instead of The American People Chucky

The last time there was this type of surrender in Washington D.C., George Washington took the British Flag out of the hands of Cornwallis during the Revolutionary War.

Oh this was popcorn worthy. Only thing missing was the butter and a good movie to go along with it as Congressional Democrats caved and re-opened the government up Monday after a three-day display by their leaders of utter stupidity, disarray, and disrespect for American citizens.

The more hilarious thing to me is the Dems got absolutely nothing policy-wise for their efforts. Chuckey Schumer is so mad he says now there will be no wall. President Trump says in return "ok, there will be no DACA." Game on.

Let me go on record by stating this. No shut down is ever good for anyone - be it Democrat of Republican. This should have never happened to begin with, but the reason it DID happen speaks to me that the media's declaration the Dems are going to pulverize Republicans in the November-mid-terms may be a bit premature.

Yes, the liberal media, especially MSNBC's Joy Ried, along with their other drug-induced voices were out proclaiming late Monday that this was a victory for the Democrats and a "commentary" on the lack of leadership by President Trump.

Well Joy, let me say that the last time someone got slapped down like this after boasting and running their mouth without anything to show for it they carried Apollo Creed out of the boxing match in Rocky 4 in the match with the Russian Drago.

No only have the Dems jeopardized their midterm election chances in a volatile voting year, hurting House and Senate Democrats’ chances alike, they also provided the Republicans with a much-needed overarching theme for the midterm elections, which is that Democrats favor illegal aliens over Americans. The reverse message is that Republicans favor Americans over illegals. That sounds about right when you look at what went down this weekend.

“Millions of Americans have watched Democrats resist and obstruct President Trump at every move and they watched Democrats put politics above people by voting for this shutdown,” Ronna Romney McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), told Breitbart News on Monday afternoon. “For the Democrats who chose once again to jeopardize government funding, November is going to be a wake-up call.”

The Democrats were on shaky ground from the start before their unconditional surrender  trying to  push for amnesty for illegal alien recipients of the expiring DACA program. President Donald Trump and Republicans on both sides of Capitol Hill were so jubilant the President even thanked "Crazy Jim" Acosta from CNN for admitting the obvious the Dems had had their backsides handed to them and a ticket to the front row to watch it.  As Chuck Schumer's only attempt to save face was the blame the President for his "inaction" during negotiations, it seemed that his own party realized they were on a sinking ship with many of them with Republicans 81-18 in the Senate to end the shut down late Monday.

“The pathetic Schumer shutdown has made one thing crystal clear to all Americans heading into the 2018 midterms elections,” Dave Bossie, the president of Citizens United and former deputy campaign manager for President Trump’s 2016 general election campaign, told Breitbart News. “The Democrats’ number one priority is to protect 700,000 illegal aliens ahead of 300 million Americans. President Trump is fighting for all Americans first. His priority is making sure that 300 million Americans are far more wealthy, far more secure, and far more optimistic about the future than they were during Barack Obama’s failed presidency and Nancy Pelosi’s failed tenure as House Speaker.”

The media, even on Fox News, had surmised that the Dems had been on a roll before this shutdown, barreling toward what appeared to be an inevitable shot at taking back the majority in the House of Representatives in November’s midterm elections. That was until this debacle took place Friday night.

The roll began with wins in Virginia’s contested gubernatorial election in a blowout in November and a special election win for U.S. Senate in Alabama over a shaky Republican candidate. Then they even won a statehouse race in Wisconsin before shutting the federal government down–a battle they have by all accounts now lost badly.

Now, Democrats have emerged walking into the midterms with serious brand damage–as they are now known as the party of illegal aliens over American citizens in this debate, particularly as Republicans frame themselves as the defenders of America and Americans first. But more importantly, the Democrats have cast themselves as the party of chaos, instability, and uncertainty while Republicans can frame themselves as the party of certainty, steadiness, and stability.

Ed Rollins, the co-chairman of the Great America Alliance and former head of the RNC told Fox Business:

"The premise of [Democrats] shutting the government down was they tried to add legislation that wasn’t there, and they just didn’t have the votes for it in the House and the Senate—and under this circumstance they look foolish. They totally inconvenienced the country. They basically added to the disgust the country has—you got an 18 or 16 percent approval rating in Congress and this behavior continues to go on. If you want DACA, you ought to put a bill through and see if they can pass it. If you want immigration reform, put a bill up and see if you can pass it. But at the end of the day they can’t do that. But they just delayed this for a couple weeks here, and I think to a certain extent the longer this goes on the more damage it does to them."

As such, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)—the official party arm charged with winning House elections and holding the majority for Republicans—is much more confident in their mission moving into this year.

“Democrats in the House and Senate put soldiers, children, and seniors at risk shutting down the government over a deadline that is still over a month away,” John Rogers, the NRCC’s executive director, told Breitbart News. “Worse is that the illegal immigration debate has absolutely nothing to do with funding the government. It’s sad that they are playing politics with people’s lives, and I think voters will see through this political ploy.”

The Schumer Shutdown is perhaps even more beneficial to efforts by Republicans to unseat Senate Democrats in the midterm elections and embolden their U.S. Senate majority. The GOP already had a favorable map walking into the midterms, and moderate Democratic senators like Joe Manchin in West Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, Claire McCaskill in Missouri, and Joe Donnelly in Indiana were already feeling the pain ahead of their re-election bids this year in states in which Trump trounced Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016’s presidential campaign.

All of those four red state Democrats voted against the government shutdown on Friday night, joined by newly elected Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL)—who just won a special election in Alabama at the end of last year amid all the troubles that came out about conservative GOP nominee Roy Moore. But other Democratic senators up for re-election in Trump victory states–like Florida’s Bill Nelson or Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin or Montana’s Jon Tester or Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow or Pennsylvania’s Bob Casey–felt serious pain for nearly 72 hours as they saw their votes to shut down the federal government front and center in the national news—and empowered their 2018 GOP opponents.

“There’s simply no spinning this if you’re Caving Chuck,” Jason Miller, who was communications director for President Trump’s 2016 White House campaign, told Breitbart News. “The Schumer Shutdown is going to cost several Senate Democrats their jobs come November.”

I'll put it another way. If Chucky wants to put thousands of illegal aliens ahead of 300 million American citizens, then have at it. We will see you at the polls in November and show you just what a shut down looks like. It won't be a government shut down this time. It'll be the end of the Democratic Party. Happy dance.


Christopher McDonald, Publisher, Editor in Charge

Great Smoky Mountain Journal