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The Great Smoky Mountain Journal

By Christopher McDonald, Publisher, GSMJ

Posted: Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:35 AM

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Special Interview With Star Parker - On National Right To Life March Friday The Pain Capable Act And More

It may be legal, but it's now lawful in the sight of God.

Those powerful words are those of Urban Cure Director and Columnist Star Parker who graciously spoke to the Great Smoky Mountain Journal Tuesday in a special interview saying the Senate will actually be taking up pro-life legislation for the first time in over 25 years Friday that will take a serious look at the policy of Roe V. Wade. "This is a good thing," said Parker.

Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to bring the Pain Capable Act, a bill the U.S. House passed, to the Senate floor even though it's unclear if there are enough votes to pass it. "President Trump said if Congress will pass this law, he will definitely sign it," Star added. "After 44 years for the march for life, where millions have marched saying by their marching 'it may be legal, but it's now lawful in God's eyes', and at least 25 years in Congress, it's the first time the Senate is going to have a discussion about abortion."

This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for any person to perform or attempt to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the fetus is 20 weeks or more. It is at 20 weeks, medical doctors believe the baby can actually feel pain inside a woman's womb.

"This is a crime against humanity," said Parker. "Let's have this debate and a vote. If it don't pass, let's see who wants to allow babies to have pain during an abortion. It's very important this is taking place this Friday. We have the science and DNA techniques today we didn't have in 1973 when Roe V. Wade was passed to know without a doubt a baby feels pain after 20 weeks."

A violator is subject five years in prison and/or fines.

The bill does provide exceptions for an abortion: (1) that is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman, or (2) when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. A physician who performs or attempts to perform an abortion under an exception must comply with specified requirements.

The fact the bill will be brought up to the Senate floor on Friday is important since Friday the 19th is also the National March For Life Event in Washington D.C.

"This is America's deadly sin, its a dark, deep, secret sin. Not just the mother suffers, but the grandparents suffer, the daddy of the child, everyone involved," Parker said. "I hear story after story who have deep scars that never go away even from one abortion decision."

Star related a story of a friend who has a radio show and spoke with a young father who could not stop crying after taking his girlfriend to get an abortion. "It's devastating, and we cannot make this case any stronger for people who have had abortion and has devastating regret." "This is why we must pass the Pain Capable Act and pass it Friday," Parker added.

During the interview Star said her Christian conversion changed her life and views on abortion, a decision she says dehumanizes the human race, especially blacks, just like the Dred Scott Decision on slavery. "Roe V. Wade and The Dred Scott decision read almost identical."

"We are having this discussion now," Parker said. "We must now push the Senate to have this discussion and make Americans alert and let them decide if Roe V. Wade should remain the law. I believe it's time to bring it to an end after nearly 80 years of the blood letting of innocent blood in this nation."

In addition to the government moving on this issue, Parker said the church must also regain its voice on this vital issue.

"Its more comfortable for pastors to take a back seat on this issue," she said. "Ministers and the church in general should be ashamed of itself if they remain silent on an issue that has killed 68 million of America's most innocent citizens."

Star's group "Urban Cure" is also behind the "Heartbeat Bill"  introduced in February 2017 by Congressman Steve King that protects every child whose heartbeat can be heard. "This bill is yet to get on the floor of the House and Senate but we must contact our Congressmen on this as well, it's a very striking piece of legislation."

The entire interview can be seen on our Great Smoky Mountain Journal News Network on You Tube that includes discussion about President Trump's decision to name Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv there.