The Great Smoky Mountain Journal

Staff Reports

Posted: Monday, January 01, 2018 12:43 PM

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CT Homeowners Receiving Hate Mail For Flying U.S. Flags On Own Property

Homeowners in a Connecticut neighborhood claim they've been receiving hate mail after prominently displaying American flags.

According to WFSB-TV in Hartford, at least two residents of Marlborough say they received envelopes containing anti-American and anti-government fliers.

One resident, Ashley Meyer, says the hate mail called her a "typical ignorant flag supporter," with references to the national debt, drone attacks overseas and the Iraq War.

"Someone took all this time to send all this through the mail. Clearly, they have no patriotism and aren't proud of our country," Meyer said

Meyer and a neighbor, Ken Hjulstrom, notified police about the mailings, believing others have also been targeted for flying Old Glory.

Hjulstrom said the fliers contained racist and anti-Semitic content as well.

Both say they will still fly their flags and hope their neighbors will put out flags as a show of support.