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The Great Smoky Mountain Journal

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Posted: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 05:55 PM

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Nine Year Old Boy Asks To Mow Lawn At White House

Last week, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a touching letter a young boy sent to President Trump.

Sanders explained that she will take time at some press briefings to read the occasional letter sent to Trump by American children.

At today's press briefing, Sanders read a letter from a boy named Frank who offered to mow the White House lawn.

Sanders said that Frank "embodies the enterprising and ambitious spirit of America."

She said that she spoke to President Trump and he wanted to let Frank know that he's doing a great job and he should keep working hard.

She also said that Trump has invited Frank to spend a morning at the White House with the groundskeepers to see how the U.S. Parks Service maintains the 18 acres of the White House complex.

"And he'd love to give you the opportunity to cut the grass in the Rose Garden," Sanders said. "It's our responsibility to keep the American Dream alive for kids like Frank, immigrants who are already here and those who dream of immigrating here in the future."