Thursday is Yom Ha'atzmaut
– Israel Independence Day. On this day 70 years ago, as authorized by
the United Nations, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the
Jewish state of Israel and became the nation’s first prime minister.
Independence Day – which began at sundown Wednesday in accordance with
the Jewish calendar – is an occasion for celebration in Israel.
Fireworks, concerts and parties began Wednesday night across the nation.
Israel received congratulations from the nation’s friends around the
world – including President Trump, who tweeted: “Best wishes to Prime
Minister @Netanyahu and all of the people of Israel on the 70th
Anniversary of your Great Independence. We have no better friends
anywhere. Looking forward to moving our Embassy to Jerusalem next
And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted in response:
“Thank you, President Trump! We have no better friend than America. We
are greatly looking forward to your moving the embassy to Jerusalem,
Israel’s eternal capital.”
The anniversary of Israel’s independence from Britain is also a day of
denunciation from many countries opposed to Israel’s existence, since
this day is known to Arabs as al-Nakba, or “the catastrophe” – and is
the day the Arab nations surrounding Israel declared war against the
newborn state in 1948, determined to wipe it off the map.
Israel’s existence inspires visceral responses from people, both
positive and negative. People either see it as a bastion of stability
and democracy, or a cause of instability and radicalization.
The prophet Zechariah
declares that those who have fought Israel through the decades and in
many ways one could argue centuries, is the "apple of God's eye!"
Zech. 2:8
For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto
the nations which spoiled you: for he that touches you touches the apple
of his eye.
The apple is known as the pupil of the eye and as such is the instrument
through which one sees. Thus, the individual or nation who touches
Israel touches the center of God’s eye. Since ISRAEL is the center of
God’s vision, we need to see Israel’s destiny as one that ultimately
will be one of blessing, even though dark days are ahead for the Jewish
state according to scripture.
Yet, despite what is
ahead, Israel never leaves the Lord’s gaze or His attention, nor shall
she ever do so! This is why the Apostle Paul called Israel a "mystery,"
because for the gospel's sake, she is still in darkness. For the
church's sake, she is a nation we must earnestly pray for and honor as
in doing so we are honoring the apple of God's eye!
This is neither an
ethnic issue nor a political pep rally for the modern nation of Israel
as we know it today. Like America, her leaders are not perfect, her
nation isn't perfect. There are many forces from within and without
seeking to destroy her, just like here in America.
This is a GOD issue. The
primary issue is not about a race of people; it’s about a
promise-keeping God who is faithful to fulfill His plan for a people, a
city and a nation through which He has promised to display His splendor.
For 70 years, that faithfulness has been on full display with the
protection He has given His chosen people.
Psalm 102:13-14
Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her,
yea, the set time, is come. [14] For thy servants take pleasure in her
stones, and favor the dust thereof.
There are seven main keys to understanding the mystery of Israel. These
are not the only keys because of so many other smaller issues that
surround the nation’s end and her ultimate salvation. ALL ISRAEL shall
be SAVED! Let’s look at these keys.
1. Israel Is STILL the Apple of God’s Eye And His Inheritance
Deut. 32:9-11
For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his
inheritance. [10] He found him in a desert land, and in the waste
howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as
the apple of his eye. [11] As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth
over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, takes them, beareth them on
her wings:
Israel is still and always will be very close to God’s heart.
Centuries before
Zechariah’s prophecy concerning her being the apple of God’s eye, Moses
wrote a song concerning a very similar picture! Psalms 148:14 also
declares that Israel as a nation is a “people near to Him.”
The HIM there is none
other but Jehovah God, who neither slumbers nor sleeps when it comes to
Israel’s protection and perseverance.
Yes, she is away from
Him spiritually still, but the time is rapidly approaching when she will
be brought back as a nation as Messiah reveals Himself to her once again
at His Second Coming!
Psalm 148:14
He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints;
even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the
When we pray for Israel and support her, we are praying for a people who
are near to the heart of God. We never want to be opposed to anything or
any group of people who are aligned with God’s sight! If God says that
Israel is the center of His sight, then I want to pray with that same
insight. Let me rephrase that a bit - with HIS INSIGHT and HIS HEART!
2. It is Time To Have Compassion
Psalm 102:13-14
Thou shall arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her,
yea, the set time, is come. [14] For thy servants take pleasure in her
stones, and favor the dust thereof.
The time has come! Our hearts need to burn for Israel, not with a
self-righteous anger, but with a compassionate heart. I can tell you
this does not necessarily come automatically to the hearts of Christian
believers. The enemy fights hard to keep the Christian world in direct
opposition to the Jewish people.
I remember a summer years ago when the Lord first revealed to me His
heart for Israel. It over a course of three weeks when my prayers became
nothing more but tears each time I would in my private time of prayer
pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I would just see this impression of the
nation, lost without God, lost without their Messiah, like sheep without
a shepherd, and burst into a torrent of tears that would gush down my
face. I would see Jesus weeping over her prior to His crucifixion and I
truly believe for a few moments during those weeks the Lord let me
literally feel His heart and weep like He did for her.
I could not utter words
but just lie on my face and weep deeply. THAT'S the type of compassion
the Holy Spirit must birth in us all.
This compassion goes WAY beyond “going to Israel” and taking a few church
groups there. I know quite a few people who brag they’ve been to Israel,
but have no compassion for the nation’s soul and destiny. Others, like
ourselves, have never stepped foot on Israeli soil, yet the Holy Spirit
has transformed us and done such a work that words cannot describe the
compassion in my soul I have for this people close to God’s heart.
God wants to give all who are willing to embrace His heart for Israel
and give them the same unction so we as a collective body, and individually, can
pray for Israel with God's compassion.
It is time to have
compassion on Zion. It’s not an earthly compassion. It’s something only
heaven can birth, and something hell fights with everything in it. Satan
knows that when the Christian community comes into one accord and weeps
for the salvation of Israel as a nation then His time is REALLY getting
That’s why replacement theology has taken hold in so many areas of the
Body. Yet, no matter the lies preachers seek to spew from anti-Semitic
hearts and pulpits, Israel has not been replaced by the church. She will
one day once again be head of all nations with our Savior, Messiah Jesus
Christ ruling over her and the world from Jerusalem – the city of the
Great King!
It’s TIME to have
compassion! It’s TIME to favor ZION!
3. God Commands Us To Give Him and Ourselves No Rest!
Isaiah 62:6-7
I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold
their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not
silence, [7] And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make
Jerusalem a praise in the earth.
Give him no rest until WHAT is established? Jerusalem! He did not say
Washington DC, Paris, London or Cairo. He did not say Moscow, Athens,
Damascus or Constantinople. He said until JERUSALEM is made a praise!
The news about Jerusalem seems to indicate Jerusalem is far from being a
praise in the Earth. The Palestinians, along with many millions of
Muslims worldwide, curse Jerusalem and call the Jewish people names no
one dare repeat. Sadly, many Christians who have no understanding also
call Jewish people the same names. We must life our voices in prayer
until Jerusalem becomes a PRAISE!
Not only a Praise, but a
This is NOT for our sake! It is for Zion’s SAKE! It is not about what is
convenient, it is a priority! The church must put its hand at the plow
of intercession and take up this cal. Our heart must be resolute.
4. God Desires To Work Through The Church For Israel’s Salvation
We must pray for Israel's salvation - both physically and spiritually!
While God wants to give us His heart of compassion and tears for Israel,
those tears and compassion are not God’s end objective! God wants us to
embrace His heart for Israel so we can pray with accuracy and
discernment for the salvation of Israel.
The apostle Paul wrote
under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:
Romans 9:2
That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
Romans 10:1
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they
might be saved.
Romans 9:3-4
For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren,
my kinsmen according to the flesh: [4] Who are Israelites; to whom
pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the
giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;
Paul was willing to be separated from Christ so that his brethren might
know their Messiah. That’s compassion!
What a sacrifice Paul
was willing to make for the sake of Israel! Are we willing to do the
same today?
This prayer for Israel’s salvation must be a torch in our heart, not
just a side issue on our schedules.
Israel’s salvation in
fullness will not take place till the end of the Tribulation, yet our
intercession NOW shows we are in tune with God’s purposes for these last
The reconciling process
of Israel back to God means revival for the Gentile church! How all that
will take place is not clear at the moment, but friend one thing is
certain! Israel’s salvation is God’s ultimate goal in ALL the prophetic
drama that is ahead for Planet Earth and the church.
It should be ours too!
5. God Commands Us To Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem
Psalm 122:1-3
A Song of degrees of David.
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.
[2] Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. [3] Jerusalem is
builded as a city that is compact together:
Psalm 122:6
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Part of understanding Israel’s importance in these last days is tied
into the fact that God wants to bless Jerusalem and her inhabitants with
His peace and goodness.
David, the warrior
psalmist, loved Jerusalem and fought many battles for her. Wars and
heated conflicts have raged over her for 70 years and sadly many more
may be to come. There is a strong correlation between Jerusalem being at
peace and the world at large being at peace as well!
David’s exhortation in
Psalms 122 must still be the prayer of our hearts today. We need to
allow the Holy Spirit to birth God’s deep desire to bless Israel DEEP
inside our spirits!
The Apostle Paul also loved Jerusalem and was concerned for the city and
for the welfare of her inhabitants.
In Romans 15 he wrote
Romans 15:25-27
But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. [26] For it
hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution
for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. [27] It hath pleased them
verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made
partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto
them in carnal things.
Israel today is suffering economically. With wars and rumors of war,
tension and pressures, terrorism and other international issues
surrounding her, many live in abject poverty in the place known as the
city of God. We must pray for the PEACE of God upon the city of Peace.
But we must do MORE.
“You can do more than pray after you’ve prayed. But you cannot do more
than pray until you have prayed.” Those are the words of S.D. Gordon, a
powerful intercessor who has a heart for Israel. It is time for our
works to match our faith.
We must do all we can –
whether small or great – to bless the “least of these My brethren,” –
Jesus brothers after the flesh – with a “cup of cold water,” by feeding
the hungry and clothing the poor.
There is a vast mission
WILL BE TOO MUCH! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
6. Israel’s Acceptance of Jesus Will Bring Life
Praying for Israel is one of the major keys to world revival. We must
pray and act for Israel because the Jewish people’s acceptance of the
Messiah Jesus will lead to worldwide harvest and renewal in an
unprecedented magnitude and manner.
Romans 11:15
For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what
shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?
Life from the DEAD; wow, what a thought! Isaiah prophesied the
sentiments of Paul saying:
Isaiah 27:6
He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall
blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
What the world will experience and blossom with is more than physical
fruit, it's spiritual fruit!
As the Jewish people are
awakened out of their sleep and behold their Messiah, this will create a
divine acceleration into a time when hundreds of thousands, if not
literally millions, turn to Jesus as their Messiah. I'm never one trying
to put timetables on God, but I do believe this time is very soon upon
the Earth and for sure during the time of Christ's Return and Millennial
7. Jesus Linked His Second Coming With Israel’s Turning To Him
Jesus prophesied before His death that He would return when Israel cries
for His return!
Matthew 23:39
For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say,
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Johannes Facius, who has helped launch prayer initiatives in 45 nations
says this:
“Now get the picture here! The Lord is not saying to the Jewish
inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem that they shall never see Him
again. He is saying that they shall not see Him until they are ready to
welcome Him. When he came the first time He was not welcomed. The
Messiah has no intention of repeating the situation. Jesus is saying
that His Second Coming will not take place until there is a Jewish
population in Jerusalem who will welcome Him with all of their hearts.
Before that can happen, the descendants of the Jews who were exiled
nearly 2,000 years ago will have to return to Jerusalem.”
We must pray that Israel will welcome her Messiah with open hearts.
Peter states that we “hasten” the coming of the Lord through our
intercession. It doesn’t mean man is dictating to the Lord when He
should come, it’s that we are showing Him we are anxious and wanting Him
to come “quickly.”
It is the prayer of the
Holy Spirit AND the Bride, which many believe to be the Church:
2 Peter 3:12
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the
heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt
with fervent heat?
Rev. 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say,
Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take
the water of life freely.
Anna and Simeon spent their time in the Temple preparing the way for the
first coming of our glorious Savior and Lord Jesus.
Luke 2:34 -And
Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child
is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign
which shall be spoken against; [35] (Yea, a sword shall pierce through
thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
2:38 And she coming in
that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all
them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
Many millions of true believers - both Jew and Gentile - are
watching, fasting, praying and yearning for Christ's return!
Why do we pray for Israel? Because Jesus said to; because Isaiah said
to; because David the psalmist said to, and because today, the HOLY
SPIRIT is saying to.
He is saying “COME,” to
the Lord Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, to whom Israel seeks after today
without knowing He is the One they crucified 2,000 years ago.
God wants us to know His heart for Israel and to be filled with
compassion for Israel’s condition – both nationally and for individual
Jewish people. God desires that this compassion provoke us to cry out to
Him about what is on His heart.
The Church is at a
pivotal hour recovering the lost art of intercession, fasting and
prayer. Spiritual crisis intervention is launched from the biblical
foundations of prayer and fasting.
I was going to write a
political editorial today but as I began to write, I felt led to write
what I wrote to inspire you to pray for Israel on this prophetic moment
of history!
We celebrate and honor
Israel on her 70th Anniversary of Independence. She has fought many wars
and faced extermination through the centuries at the hands of the Hamans,
the Stalins, the Hitlers and others. NONE of them have succeeded and
none ever will.
The coming Antichrist
may try again, but he too will meet his end before he can ever destroy
this nation that God has put His heart upon and His eye and arm of
protection over!
If you don't believe
that, ask the many Arab nations around Israel who have sought her
destruction through the years since she became a nation in 1948. They
will tell you first hand accounts that when they came up against this
tiny nation, they felt in their hearts they were more than able to
defeat her militarily. When the dust settled each time, the Arabs, like
the Pharaoh of old who watched his armies dashed in the Red Sea at the
first attempt at destruction, realized Israel had been given help by a
power and Person above that was bigger and more powerful than any
Arab army or military on the face of this earth. The Palestinians would
do well to learn from history!
May God bless Israel
today and forever. We honor her today on the 70th Anniversary of her
Independence. Shalom.
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Christopher McDonald, Publisher, Editor in Charge
Great Smoky Mountain Journal
