The Great Smoky Mountain Journal


Posted: Tuesday, January 01, 2019 02:39 PM

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OUR VIEW: What All The "Know It All" Elite Foreign Policy Experts Failed To Do For Decades, President Trump May Finally Address North Korean Danger Head On

Remember hearing this?
"Trump will never win." - He did.
"Trump won’t get tax reform." He did.
"Trump won’t diminish ISIS." He did.
"Trump won’t improve the economy." He did.
"Trump won’t strengthen DOW." He did.
"Trump won’t last a year." He has. Actually, more than year now, going on 15 months. There's a dang good chance he will last another eight years but that remains somewhat to be seen.

Here was the best one of them all. "Trump and his harsh rhetoric against North Korea will plunge the world into an Armageddon World War III puff of atomic dust."

I can hear the buzzer on "Jeopardy" go off on that one. "WRONG ANSWER, why don't we try for DOUBLE JEOPARDY?"

It is very interesting that the only thing President Trump's critics and haters have predicted WOULD come to pass is the one thing that has not. In fact, President Trump's harsh rhetoric and stand against a rogue childish regime led by a maniacal dictator has brought that same regime it seems to its senses.

South Korea's national security director Chung Eui-yong said Thursday that North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un and President Trump have agreed to meet by May to discuss several issues, the main one however is the denuclearization of a world power that starves its people to death, kills its enemies in Godfather-like manner and has no business with weapons of that magnitude in the hands of a childish, brutish leader.

After the announcement President Trump tweeted: “Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!”

The planned meeting was met with cheers from many Republican lawmakers and with scorn, cynicism and fear by others.

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., praised the president’s efforts to denuclearize North Korea, saying that it “gives us the best hope” to “peacefully” resolve escalating tensions. While Graham acknowledged North Korea’s past as being “all talk and no action,” he warned Kim directly that “the worst possible thing you can do is meet with President Trump in person and try to play him.”
He added, “If you do that, it will be the end of you – and your regime.”

You go Lindsey. You see Graham is among many "elites" in Washington D.C., including four past Presidents from Clinton to Bush Jr. to Obama, who have rung their hands with North Korea for nearly three decades. America has offered carrot after carrot on a stick only to be manipulated and played by a dishonest Communist nation that has mocked and laughed at their ability to screw America over while getting concessions and arms agreements in exchange for threats, the starvation of their own people to death and bringing the world many times to the brink of nuclear war.

When President Trump started talking tough late last year to the regime after numerous missile tests, these same elites, which included Trump-hating Republicans,  the left-wing media, Democrats, and liberal talking idiots all warned Trump was putting America and the world on course for Armageddon because we were "bullying" this poor Communist nation.

(I thought Democrats and left-wing pundits felt Communists were the great boogey man? Oh, that's right only Russian ones who caused Hillary to lose, forgive me.)

Here's the catch. Even some of President Trump's worst critics have not acknowledged that the tough talk has "started to work," and North Korea has learned, like the rest of the world has, Barrack "community organizer in chief" Obama is no longer in power. Donald "Commander in Chief" Trump is.

U.S. Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, also said the invitation showed that sanctions on North Korea were “starting to work.”

U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a harsh critic of the president at times, also praised the sanctions implemented by Congress, saying that they “are having a real effect.” Corker forgets these sanctions were brought on because of President Trump's leadership in this issue and not cuddling up and giving in to threats. This is what leaders do - they confront evil and stare it down, making it clear that the United States will not be pushed around anymore by a thug, pint-sized dictator.

There will be no more carrots on a stick for nations who test ballistic missiles capable of destroying U.S. cities. Only tough sanctions and isolation and the threat of military force were always the only way to deal with this.

I remember seeing something a while back that said, "Experts built the Titanic, amateurs built the Ark." President Trump, seen as an "amateur" in foreign policy by these elitist talking heads got it early on and stands on the precipice of making history in at least getting as close as any President ever has of truly dealing with this danger to the entire world.

So, pardon me if I ignore the "experts" on North Korea and let the "amateur," in the room lead. He's doing a great job at it on this issue so far if you ask me.

Foreign policy expert Walid Phares told Laura Ingham last night that Trump's North Korea strategy was “well-crafted, well thought out and well played.”

As usual Trump haters and Democrats who have let this mess develop for decades derided the President for the meeting and worried that the President is being "played."

Evan S. Medeiros, a former adviser in the Obama administration, warned that Kim “played” South Korean President Moon Jae-in and “is now playing Trump.” Yes, Evan just like he "played" your former boss and all others before him. Spare us the "expert" advice, and let the real leader do his work.

If your former mentor would have spent less time dividing the nation and blaming whites, cops, Christians and Americans for everything wrong in this world, then maybe he'd had more time to address this serious issue head on and we wouldn't be where we are at today.

Do you remember when Obama met with Kim Jong Un to establish world peace? Neither do I. This murderous thug, like everyone else, had no respect for our elected community organizer, social justice warrior in chief and ran amuck setting off ballistic missiles constantly during the eight years of Obama.
Obama never said a word about it either from the White House or the golf course.

So now as President Trump at least accepts in good faith a meeting to stave off a nuclear showdown, I'd say it's time to stop criticizing and start praying.

If there is a human being on this planet that will not be played by Kim Jong Un that individual is President Trump. If he does try to play our President, I'd surmise like Lindsey Graham the only tune Jong will hear is that his country is going "down down down like a burning reign of fire!" Johnny Cash is saying Amen to that from the heavens above at the moment.

There were others who chimed in as well.

U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., said the “price of admission” for Trump and Kim meeting must be “complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” Uh, Cory since when did any other President even get an audience with this madman?

Thank you for your valuable but worthless contribution to this discussion Sen. Gardner. Republican President George Bush Jr., and his golfing brothers Bill Clinton and Barak Obama allowed this mess to get to the point it is now and all three have blasted Trump for his tough talk.

Well it seems their "weak" action and lollipop greetings to this murderous regime has done nothing but breed more evil. Trump is trying to fix it. And since these three didn't fix it, they need to simply shut up and say a prayer for our President in his dealings.

Then there was this from U.S. Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., who said that the invitation was the “beginning of a long diplomatic process” and that Trump needed to avoid “unscripted” remarks that could derail it. Derail what?? Are you kidding me?

There has been NO diplomatic process Ed for thirty freaking years almost, only North Korea sticking its finger in the eyes of American Presidents at every turn while mocking the USA behind the scenes at our ineptness to deal with an extremely delicate matter of life and death. The answers were never easy for sure, but the unwillingness to make tough decisions in confronting this evil in Asia was never the right course of action - ever! Weakness in confronting evil breeds world dictators and such has happened in North Korea.

Then in the greatest miracle where pigs flew through the heavens, CNN's Erin Burnett said Thursday that if President Trump can solve the U.S. problem with North Korea, he "would be going down as a great president."

The commentary from the "Outfront" host followed the White House announcement that Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would meet "by May" in an effort to negotiate the denuclearization of North Korea.

“Just an extraordinarily evening and of course opening the door to the big question, if President Trump can truly solve this problem, that would be going down as a great president. And there’s no way around that. That is the reality here," Burnett said at the end of her show.

Earlier in the show, another former adviser on the National Security Council under President Obama said there's "no way" Trump is ready for a direct meeting with Kim by May, as announced by South Korea's national security adviser on Thursday.

"There is no way that President Trump can be ready, by May, to have a high stakes negotiation on denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula. It's just impossible," said Samantha Vinograd, who also serves as a CNN national security analyst. The latter is an oxy moron by the way. A CNN Obama security analyst is like a GEICO commercial "monitor."

They "monitor" a situation without knowing anything about it. Such is the case with CNN and the entire former members of the Obama administration. So for even CNN to say this was a huge development for President Trump, we'd be wise to take note of it!

Trump expressed optimism around the meeting on Twitter Thursday night, stating that "great progress [is] being made" while cautioning that "sanctions will remain" against North Korea "until an agreement is reached."

"Kim Jong Un talked about denuclearization with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze," Trump wrote to his 48.4 million followers. "Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time. Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!"

This is a moment in history that President Trump has been given and I have faith in him that he will make the most of it. Whether he accomplishes anything in this May meeting is way too early to predict. But I do believe it’s a start and a wise one that will put America on the road to having the upper hand on North Korea, not the other way around.

This is what winning looks like for America which is why the Democrats hate it.

The fact North Korea is saying they are willing to denuclearize tells me the new sheriff in town has gotten his message across that he means business and the days of rogue regimes flaunting dangerous missiles in front of other nations to get their way are over!

We must pray for our President to use wisdom, discernment and strong diplomacy to not miss this moment in history. We may not get another chance like this to keep the world from war - at least when it pertains to North Korea.

This is an open door for peace instead of tremendous bloodshed and I hope Kim Jong Un along with his complicit neighbor China walk through it together with the United States. If not, God help us all.


Christopher McDonald, Publisher, Editor in Charge

Great Smoky Mountain Journal