Sean Hannity says the media is so blinded
by their "Trump derangement syndrome" that they can never cover
President Trump fairly or tell the truth, and that's extremely dangerous
for the country.
"What we're seeing now is beyond media malpractice," Hannity said.
"They're doing a tremendous disservice to you, the American people, and
the country by continually spreading lies and falsehoods about the
president and advancing their agenda."
He said the media has been exposed as "purveyors of fake news," and
that's why Trump continues to call them out on an almost daily basis.
"This hatred against the president is beyond out of control. It needs to
stop," Hannity said, acknowledging that's unlikely to happen.
He added that it's not just the media, and he's "disgusted" with the
sewer that is Washington, D.C.
He said he has a message for the mainstream media, Democrats and the
Republicans who aren't supporting Trump: "If you want to make America
great and you want to help the people you claim to have a monopoly of
compassion [for], solve the country's problems."
"If the country would unite, there's no limits to just how great and
prosperous and safe and secure this country will be."