It's been a very troubling week in America
as the tragic violence in Charlottesville, Virginia has spawned another
insane left wing, Democratic Party led drive to change history by
removing statues associated with the Confederate Army and Civil War.
This effort is hiding behind a
self-righteous, pseudo morally superior label by protesters saying these
statues represent America's "racist" past. In removing them, these same
people believe that somehow, like magical pixie dust, racism will go
I posed a question this morning to my
15-year old son Caleb and asked him what he thought about this effort to
remove all these statues.
His quote was beyond wise and made me
proud I was his dad even though he knows dad is poor and there will be
no raise in his allowance for a while, just saying. He said "dad, you
know that if you think about history there have always been times where
evil existed. Think of the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler. No one wants to
see a statue of Hitler, but if my generation doesn’t know who he was and
what he represented, then we'd never know how evil he really was." Wise
kid despite his dad being Christopher Wayne McDonald.
That strikes at the extreme
insidiousness of this movement and the utter stupidity of leaders
embracing it and participating in it. We somehow foolishly believe that
racism is encapsulated in wood and stone when in fact racism is embedded
in the hearts of men! Men lead political parties and while the media and
Democrats want the public to believe they are saving humanity from these
"racist" Republicans led by President Donald Trump by doing this, they
forget that history books tell a different story.
And that is why they are doing this.
They want to hide the Democratic Party's racist past and shove it into
warehouses and museums without the public ever knowing that it was the
Democrats, not Republicans, who embodied the greatest racism perpetuated
upon the black community in the history of America.
Radio host Rush Limbaugh said as much
the other day when he had wry advice for activists targeting historical
monuments to combat racism: “You’ve got to get rid of the Democrat
Dinesh D'Souza, a great historian and
author who I respect greatly and admonish my readers to get his latest
book, "The Big Lie," says the same thing.
These same hypocritical Democrats who
are parading around like clowns in their moral cloaks of
self-righteousness and calling for the disposal and destruction of what
they perceive as racist symbols against blacks, have NEVER been on the
side of African Americans, from either a historical or MORAL
They are merely pathetic race baiters
who think the American public is too stupid to see what they are doing.
Well, on that last part, maybe they are on to something there. That's at
least what they are banking on – our apathy and ignorance.
Let us be clear before we go any
further in this editorial that slavery and all forms of oppression were
evil during the civil war and remain evil today. The deeper issue
however, is these left-wing activist groups are using the evil of
slavery to hide behind a more sinister agenda to destroy America from
within through their efforts to race bait, stir emotions among the
ignorant and weak, and use deliberate and deceptive efforts to stir
racial unrest. This will only succeed if we let it!
In doing research for our upcoming pod
cast I found an interesting footnote of history regarding slaves and the
Civil War. On the eve of the Civil War there were about 4 million slaves
in America. ALL of those slaves were owned by DEMOCRATS, both in the
North and the South. You want to know how many REPUBLICAN slave owners
there were at the same time? ZERO! NONE! NOTTA! ZILCH!
Here's some other thoughts about the
evils of slavery THEN and the evils of the Democratic Party NOW that I
submit for your consideration in a simple capsule form:
Slavery's Evil Principle During Civil
War: "You Work, I Eat"
Democrats 2017 Welfare Platform: "You Work, I Eat"
Democratic Position 1861 - Lincoln, Republicans Evil For Wanting To
Abolish Slavery In South To End Slave Owners Leeching Off The Labor Of
Democratic Position 2017: President Trump and All His Supporters Are
Racist Wanting People Who Can Work To Work And Support Themselves
In other words, the whole idea of
slavery to begin with was to use the efforts and work of another
individual to further one's own sustenance, wealth, and life while
allowing the one doing the work to suffer and go without.
When Lincoln and the Republicans fought
against slavery it was the Democrats who opposed such efforts which
ultimately led to the Civil War. Following the Union's victory, these
same Democrats who were at the heart for the fight to keep slavery
legal, used violent groups like the KKK to fight back and suppress black
voter registration after the Civil War to make sure they themselves
would remain in power. Nothing much has changed in Democrats using the
black community to further their political agendas.
Move the clock forward to 2017. The
Democratic position today is not much different. Most Democrats who
oppose President Trump's economic agenda do it yes, one, because they
hate him to begin with, but two, they know, that if President Trump can
get people back to work and provide jobs for those in African-American
communities, then the welfare program of the Democrats, which is based
on the same idea - "You Work, I Eat," principle, is in serious trouble!!
The welfare program of America has
always been to help those who are in NEED, not those in GREED. Untold
numbers of individuals getting benefits from the government, including
many illegal immigrants, are getting assistance on the backs of
taxpayers who are doing the work, while they themselves do nothing yet
eat in plenty.
Many benefits that are given right now
to illegal immigrants are benefits that most of you reading this right
now will never see or would never see if you needed the same help! Don't
believe me? Ask any veteran how hard it's been over the past several
decades to get help from their own Veterans Administration while those
who are not even citizens bask in the glory of health benefits and other
goodies Uncle Sam's pimps, known as the Democrats, have been more than
willing to give away for free in exchange for votes.
So, when President Trump called out
both the left and right last weekend in Charlottesville for the terrible
violence that led to three deaths, the media, the Democrats and
establishment Swamp Infested Republicans saw their grand opportunity to
make sure they played the race card as well as take a shot to rewrite
history in a way to hide their own bigotry and malice towards the same
people they claimed they were defending!!
Think about it folks. The Neo-Nazis and
white supremacists in America are at best a relatively small fringe
group that have both lost all influence in America in recent decades,
while other groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa number in the tens
of thousands in their following.
Yet as a response to the violence,
which some believe was staged to begin with, and President Trump's
remarks, American anarchists and stupid politicians took to the streets
to remove symbols of racism in their mind in hopes that it would appease
those who supposedly were fighting "facism."
It's been
both pathetic and comical to watch. So, forgive me if I'm not all bent
out of shape about what President Trump's response was last week to
Charlottesville. He was actually RIGHT for calling out both sides and
there IS the same moral equivalence between the two groups - they both
traffic and operate in HATE!! So when losers, and yes they are losers,
like Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney join the Democrats in their "moral"
outrage about what the President said - I simply shake my head and
laugh. Mitt tends to forget his offensive words about poor people back
in 2012 when he was getting his backside handed to him in President
Obama's reelection bid.
To be fair,
President Trump could have stated some things more clearly and yes been
stronger in some ways that he spoke the first day without a doubt. But
he explained that he was still getting the facts about what took place
when he made his first comments. He's not a politician and this will not
be the last mistake he makes when it comes to these things.
But let me
assure you that the aftermath and response to HIS comments have been
nothing more than calculated posturing by the swamp in Washington D.C.
to make sure political power is consolidated and President Trump's
efforts to make things right and fair economically are marginalized.
Where was the outrage from these pundits and morons when police officers
were assassinated last year in Dallas, New York and Louisiana. Crickets.
President Trump is not a racist, never
has been and never will be. That’s what makes those who throw that term
around like candy about him more than pathetic – they are just as putrid
and repugnant as anything that was on display in Charlottesville last
If people REALLY wanted to erase
reminders of slavery & segregation, then they should consider getting
rid of the Party who started this entire racism game – the Democrats.
Believe e when I tell you that the tearing down of statues will NEVER
satisfy the blood lust of these left-wing activist loons. After they are
done with the statues they will be coming for something else that
offends them!
For example, Mr. (He’s no Rev.) Al
"race-baiter in chief" Sharpton said Monday night on PBS host Charlie
Rose’s show that the Jefferson Memorial was a “personal” affront akin to
subsidizing insults towards his family. That’s just rich isn’t it. I
think Mr. Sharpton himself is a personal affront to those in this nation
tired of his racial identity politics and shameful rhetoric. He's an
evil man with an evil heart.
Former basketball star and now Sports
Caster Charles Barkley shot back at this stupid mindset of Sharpton
saying a few days after, "I'm not going to waste my time screaming at a
neo-Nazi who's gonna hate me no matter what," the NBA Hall of Famer told
WRBC-TV in Birmingham, Alabama.
“I’m 54 years old,” Barkley said. “I’ve
never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask
most black people, to be honest, they ain’t thought a day in their life
about those stupid statues.”
Barkley has not minced words when
pointing out what he sees as his black community's problems, such as
last year when he spoke about violence against cops. But on the issue of
violence against cops, Mr. Sharpton had no comment on his soap box radio
show about that. Lovely.
The Klan were all Democrats, and the
segregationists in the South were all Democrats. But now all of a
sudden, these same Democrats and left-wing loons want to tear down the
statues of Robert E. Lee and others and now both the Jefferson,
Washington and other memorial in our nation’s capital.
If you want to get rid of all of these
monuments that have been erected to people and events in our nation’s
past, tied to the Civil War, which you find horribly, horribly offensive
and you want to get rid of all vestiges, then maybe it’s time to ALSO
disband the Democrat Party PERIOD!!!!!!
While those on the left find all these
Confederate statues offensive I find THEM and their stupidity offensive.
At some point, as President Trump said, "who's next?" George Washington?
Thomas Jefferson? James Madison? I mention those names because they were
part of the Founding Fathers who led America to Independence from
British Tyranny. But as a footnote of history, 41 out of the 56 original
signers of the Declaration of , including Washington and Jefferson,
owned slaves.
Slavery was evil yes, but it was the
law of the land up until Lincoln. Abortion, or the killing of innocent
babies, is also evil but it's also the law of the land – something
upheld in reverence in a demonic fashion by most if not all Democrats.
Their 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton didn’t see anything
remotely wrong whatsoever with the slaughter of a baby even at the 9th
month. A party or any individual that embraces such demonic thinking is
a person and party of death and evil.
And since these same Democrats and many
liberals screamed there was no moral equivalency between those on the
left perpetrating violence compared to the right in Charlottesville, let
me make a moral equivalence statement of my own!
I submit to you that the heroes of the
left are MURDERERS. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood
provided abortions with the express purpose of wiping out the Negro
race, but that too has been for the most part hidden in the closet. Her
statue sits untouched by graffiti or defacing in any way – wow, isn’t
that rich too. I ponder what the Democrats would do if we started a
petition to get rid of THAT statue?
This unhinged irrationality of the left
has the full-fledged support of the American media, which remains the
most wicked organizing power today that projects the power of the
American and the worldwide liberal movement. It’s a dangerous threat to
our democracy and national security at the very least. George Orwell
said it best when it said whenever a society drifts from the truth it
begins to persecute those who speak it. In contrast that same society
that rejects truth usually embraces and protects those who lie and
distort history. Such is the case today.
Removing every statue in the world will
never change one iota of history nor will it erase the racism in the
hearts of men – including the nation of America.
Mark it down though. The Democrats
always over reach in situations like this and they will do the same
here. When they get thumped again in 2018 for worrying more about
statues than people's lives, NONE OF WHICH are being affected by shoving
statues in closets, then they will realize once again WE THE PEOPLE see
what you're doing and we find YOU offensive, not a dead statue of Robert
E. Lee or any other statue.
Those who fail to learn from history
are doomed to repeat it. Let’s just make sure the history we seek to
learn from does not get shoved in a closet. It’s what makes us the
nation we are. It’s what makes us AMERICA, the land I love and pray for
as we write this with tears. God bless this land and remove the stain of
hatred from our hearts and soul. Only He can do that because we’re not
made of wood and stone like those statues. We are a nation of souls,
uniquely put together to be a bastion of freedom to a world which sits
in tyranny and oppression in many areas. If we don't come to our senses
however we will cease to be that bastion. Instead, we will destroy
ourselves from within and when history writes its sad epitaph on how we
did just that how tragic will it be when it reads- "they died fighting
over stone."
