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Posted: Sunday, January 21, 2018 11:22 AM

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OUR VIEW: 08/08/2017 - President Trump's First 200 Days Have Started To Change America Despite Political Headwinds From The Swamp

Monday marked the first 200 days of President Trump's presidency and despite some setbacks we believe he’s done one hell of a job in getting the nation back on course after a nightmarish eight years of community organizer and former President Barrack Obama.

The Bible, in the book of Revelation, describes the earth's final battle between good and evil as Armageddon. But that's not how most liberal journalists, Democrats, and even “never-Trump” hating Republicans define it. They define it as the fear that President Trump may actually keep his promises and make this nation great again while putting the interests of America FIRST, instead of where we've been the last eight years. Sadly, much of Trump’s resistance has come from his own party.

Republicans like Jeff Flake, John McCain, and Thom Tillis have such a fear and loathing of President Trump they have become worse than the Democrats in many ways. We knew from the start that Democrats were invested in Trump's destruction and nothing but obstructionists. What most didn’t plan on was the level the Republicans would stoop to do the same.

We submit today that while Trump's approval ratings may not be the best at the moment, those who resist him and his agenda are playing with fire and taking a great gamble themselves. The latest Real Clear Politics average for President Trump was 39.5% on his 200th day of his Presidency. Liberals are quick to point out that Obama's approval rating was nearly 60% at this same time in his first year. Well let me run out and pop a bottle of champagne. Yes, I’m rolling my eyes.

Whenever anyone appeals to the liberal media and their sick values for this nation, trust me their approval rating will be very high because the media will make sure that individual is painted in a way the nation at large will think they are the Second Coming of Jesus.

History has taught us that great leaders have never been popular among wicked people simply because they had the courage to make decisions that were best for the country, not best for the New York Times or Washington Post.

The late Harry Truman, a Democrat, had one of the worst approval ratings leaving office in history other than George W. Bush, a Republican, when he left office shortly after the Second World War. Bush had the same issue after bravely leading the nation during the post 9-11 terrorist attacks that changed our nation in a day.

Think about that closely! Two men, from separate political parties, led the nation during separate times of tremendous peril - Truman ending World War II and Bush Jr. seeing us through 9-11 - and yet an ungrateful nation viewed them both with disgust by the time they left office. What does that say about approval ratings pushed by fake news outlets. What does that say about we as a nation and the ungratefulness we harbor for truly good leaders? And while we don’t have the time to delve deeper into this I can assure you that what this means is nothing good when it comes to the character of our nations citizenry.

After pulling off one of the greatest upsets in political history, now President Donald Trump faces an onslaught in his first six months in office unlike any other President I've ever seen in my lifetime. And the stakes are just as high and the world is just as dangerous as when President Bush faced the crisis he did as well as Truman.

Let's face facts. When the news is saturated with the Russia story, fueled mainly by leaks, leaks that prove to be false, many times we the people many times even begin to believe their negative spin.

Most if not all of these Congressmen who hate him don't even care that their own approval numbers are worse than Trump's as long as they can stall his confirmations, stop his legislative agenda, criticize him at every turn, side with his enemies in the press, and stonewall tax relief for the American people.

While Trump may be struggling to reach 40% approval, he's still winning! A recent Quinnipiac Poll shows the approval ratings of Congress are nothing to brag about. Sen. Tom Tillis at 29%, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at 27%, Democratic Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer 26%, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at 17%.

McConnell mocked Trump after the Obama Care defeat, quipping to an aide he was overheard saying, "well I guess the President is finding out that making America great is not as easy as he thought." John McCain, who deep sixed the “skinny” repeal bill by Republicans in a last-ditch effort to keep their promise on Obama Care, mocked Trump too, laughing it up in the halls with Schumer saying "let's see Donald make America great again now."

Those quotes are from Politico and have been confirmed by multiple sources that those comments were made.

It’s clear President Trump is fighting battles from all directions in Washington D.C. yet in spite of all this he’s more popular than any of his detractors. The truth is we the people are fed up with it ALL in Washington D.C.

Having said that, let’s take an honest look at the first 200 days of President Trump.

Yes, marquee legislation victories have been lacking but President Trump has done a lot without Congress to make our lives better despite this non-stop flow of vile comments and rhetoric Washington D.C. elites - on both sides of the political aisle.

Since January, wages are up; consumer confidence is UP; Wall Street has set record gains with nearly $4 trillion of wealth gained in investor's portfolios since Trump's inauguration; Business start ups - UP; GDP - UP! The amount of this reported in the media? Crickets.

On foreign policy the President certainly faces some serious challenges across the globe. But his team has forged new alliances and made it clear to our allies they need to pay their fair share for defense. Those are accomplishments the liberal media sneers at and mocks when in fact they should be reporting in a positive way.

On the domestic front, President Trump has streamlined onerous regulations in every department in Washington D.C. easing burdens on businesses that has helped job numbers and given hope that we are in store for a Reagan-like recovery if Congress will get off their backsides and give him a strong tax-relief and tax-reform bill.

There has been relief for veterans with a revamped Veterans Administration where lackadaisical work ethic is no longer tolerated when treating those who have protected us through the decades and as such are America's most precious treasures.

President Trump has begun to fill the Federal courts with conservative judges who will up hold the Constitution, not seek to change it or legislate it. His Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsich was one of the best choices any President could make. He likely will have one if not two more to choose before 2020 that will shape the thought of the Court for decades to come.

Trump has also put America on the WINNING side of trade deals.

He’s done this by putting cheaters on notice as well as other nations who would want to cheat America in the future, that America will no longer be pushed around into bad trade deals that destroy jobs and make life harder for our citizens.

No longer will other nations laugh behind our backs that they really stuck it to the good ole' USA. Taking advantage of America will not happen under this Presidency.

Yes, the approval ratings are low. But let me ask you this. Who else can get nearly 20,000 people to show up on a hot summer day in a non-election year to listen to him speak other than President Trump? Personally, I look at these approval ratings like I do the election predictions of 2016. We were told Hillary had a 60% approval rating just two nights before the election and Trump was at 35%. We see how that turned out didn't we.

Despite this 24-7 onslaught by people who hate him, an unethical Russian probe, and resistance from Congress on both sides, we personally give President Trump an A+ for his efforts and accomplishments since January 20.

He's not been perfect by any stretch of the imagination but the man has had the nation at heart and while the sewer-dwelling media will never give him credit- we will!

The fact is that no President from George Washington to Donald J. Trump ever has been perfect.

The office is bigger than the man.

This man however is trying hard to rise above the onslaughts and do his job unlike any I've ever seen. Even when he's on vacation, he's working for the country. His work ethic is why he got elected. He literally outworked, out fought and out played Hillary Clinton last year.

Some people, including many pundits, get bent out of shape about his tweets. I actually enjoy the fact we have a President who speaks TO we the people, not AT us like the former excuse we had for President the past eight years. His tweets allow him to bypass the sewage of the press and speak without filters as to what he’s feeling and thinking. While we may cringe at how he says things sometimes, we applaud the fact he is saying them. I’d rather have Donald Trump tweeting than Hillary Clinton killing babies with her sick views on abortion, human rights and other things while selling our nation out to our enemies.

Yes, like Mitch McConnell, I too write this smiling knowing that at least Hillary Clinton isn’t President. (Fist pump and happy dance inserted here)

During a recent discussion with my dear dad, I mentioned to him something I will share with you. No matter what President Trump’s approval ratings are according to these polls, many of which are worthless, there is STILL a contingency of people out here in America who see what is happening in Washington D.C. and when it comes time to vote again in 2018 we will again have the President's back.

No matter what the blow hards on Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN (are they still on the air) may say - we the people see the failures for what they are. Had Congress been a functioning body this would be different editorial. But let me be sure to promise the media, Trump hating Republicans, and Democrats that Armageddon IS coming.

President Trump will get his agenda done. He's too much of a winner and a fighter not to and for that reason we salute his first 200 days and proudly say He’s our President!
Be patient Trump nation! This is not a sprint but a marathon. 200 days in the bigger scope of four years really isn’t even a small sampling size.

With the idiots entrenched in Washington D.C., things just don’t get done over a course of days and weeks in Washington D.C. That too is going to change or we’re going to change those creating such chaos and gridlock!

While we believe strongly the first 200 days has shown promise, I will leave this one small piece of friendly advice for the President for his next 200 days and beyond.
Drain the swamp! Get rid of those not on the Trump Train and loyal to your agenda and vision for the nation!

And if there are those you cannot get rid of through your executive power, then let us the voters know who they are and we will deal with them in 2018 as all law-abiding citizens do in this nation – we vote!

We desperately need a viable third party in this nation - a Trump party!

So, Mr. President, just remember that you still have an army of supporters out here in the real world who recognize what you have had to deal with since taking office. We also have seen what you’ve accomplished against great odds in keeping your promises to the America people. For that we salute you and say a hearty “THANKS!”

We just simply ask you to keep the faith, stay strong, and keep up the good work and the Trump Train rolling! For those who continue to fight bringing America back to the greatness she was ordained to be, we will see you at the polls in November 2018. We’ll see who is mocking and laughing it up then.




Christopher McDonald, Publisher, Editor in Charge

Great Smoky Mountain Journal



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